Is online piracy really crippling the music industry? That is the main question I would like to know. It is hard to judge the effects of online piracy because one side is going to inflate stats to favor them over the other. It could just be the recording labels that want the money from the CD purchase, however there have been many artists quoted on praising piracy for the aspects of sharing music as a gift, the ability to access the music if funds are limited, and that over all the places that the fans spend their money would be on shirts, concert tickets, and other band swag that they can get their hands on. Bands and singers such as Slipknot, Jack White, and Lady Gaga.
"...[Y]ou know how much you can earn off touring, right? Big artists can
make anywhere from $50 millon for one cycle of two years' touring.
Giant artists make upwards of $100 million. Make music--then tour. It's
just the way it is today," Gaga said.
The main bulk of money made is on touring these days. Artists do not sell millions of copies of albums anymore because of the digital age. People buy the songs they want to hear or download them from various torrenting websites. It is easier, faster, and cheaper for us these days because everyone barely has time anymore. So saving a little time and money here and there can really be worth it. Driving to the Best Buy, buying the CD, taking the 30 minutes to get the stupid plastic off of it, driving back home and then finally listening to the album to determine if you like it is time consuming and costs a little more money.
So, is it really the artists that are suffering from this, or is it the record labels wanting to make fat cash stacks?
Gaga quote -
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